Trade Organisations

AIJV drops membership fees

Formed in 2010, AIJV is a networking and business development association for independent jewellery valuers with a strong presence in 10 countries. Its primary objectives are to provide a visible resource of truly independent jewellery valuers worldwide; and promote the benefits of using an independent valuer to consumers.

AIJV founder Adrian Smith said of the move: โ€œOne of our intentions is to make the AIJV the primary resource for anyone seeking the services of a highly qualified, truly Independent jewellery valuer. By removing one of the barriers to joining us, we hope to continue increasing the size and diversity of this resource.

โ€œWe are very aware that some countries do not have their own association for jewellery valuers. The AIJV provides a focus and point of contact for them. Something magical happens when enthusiastic professionals from differing cultures come together for the purpose of sharing and learning from each other’s experiences. Our intention is to make these experiences as diverse as possible by expanding further into additional countries.โ€

Membership requirements can be found on the associationโ€™s website.


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