
Weston Beamor to sponsor award at ‘New Designers’

Weston Beamor, the Birmingham-based jewellery casting and 3D printing company, has announced that it will once again be sponsoring an award at the New Designers annual exhibition. 

The Weston Beamor award for ‘the most innovative use of CAD in jewellery design’ will be made during the first day of the exhibition which will take place at the Business Design Centre in Islington, London from June 24 to June 27.

Glen Day, head of business development at Weston Beamor, said: “Innovation, technology and great jewellery design are at the heart of Weston Beamor’s services and the company employs a number of design graduates, especially in its CAD department.

We like to think that we are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible, so will be particularly interested in seeing how the jewellery and metal work students exhibiting at New Designers have made their own innovations.”


The winner of the award, which will be announced on June 24 at a VIP event, will receive a week of work experience with Weston Beamor and £1,000 in cash.

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