Q&A Sessions

Three-Minute Interview: Wilson’s Restringing Service

Nicki Barley, owner of Wilson’s Restringing Service tells us about the business

Describe yourself in three words?

Hard-working, honest and friendly.

When you were at school, what did you want to be and why?

I never knew what I wanted to be whilst at school, I just knew I wanted to work and earn money. I took a secretarial job straight from school, as well as bar work because it was what I could do. It wasn’t until I started this job, that I realised what I wanted to do.


How did you get to be where you are today?

My dad was in the jewellery trade and arranged for my sister to learn restringing but after a few years she followed a new career path so in turn she passed the skills to me. Over the years I have taught myself new skills and expanded to where we are today.

Which aspect of your job do you enjoy and why?

I love being able to create a new piece of jewellery out of a pile of pearls and stones especially when it’s something that’s unique to the client. I also enjoy the restoration of old pieces, especially the intricate, fine pearl collars. They are a challenge and I do feel proud to have restrung them back to their former glory.

What is your proudest achievement?

Just to be where I am today. I feel that we do have a good reputation which is great to build a business on and I’m proud of the continuous, good quality work that we produce on a day to day basis.

What is the best advice you’ve been given in work or in life in general?

It’s not quite advice but my dad told me that he regretted never taking risks in business. I’ve taken a little bit from that and have taken some risks whilst still being careful, that has helped me expand the business without too many problems.

What is your next goal?

To keep going. We have room for new accounts, big and small, and it would be nice to see the business expand further and maybe take on more staff whilst keeping it at a friendly and comfortable level.

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