
Lebrusan Studio joins London Diamond Bourse

Lebrusan Studio has announced its membership to the London Diamond Bourse.

The sustainable jewellery brand will use the space at the historic institution as an open showroom for visiting clients, having previously operated remotely for the last six months.

The move comes after the brandโ€™s launch of a new range of “ready-to-wear” engagement rings.

Arabel Lebrusan, the brandโ€™s founder and designer, said: We are so excited to lay our roots in this inner-city hub. The London Diamond Bourse is rich in history and cultural significance, making it a fantastic environment for seeking inspiration.ย 


“It enables us to offer our clients a memorable and authentic experience. As a responsible brand committed to ethical sourcing, our presence at the London Diamond Bourse only furthers us in our mission of bridging the gap between luxury and sustainability, altering deep-rooted perceptions of how the jewellery industry should look.”

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