Current Affairs

Boris Johnson reveals plan to rescue high street

Boris Johnson has pledged to โ€œsave the Great British high streetโ€ after unveiling a series of measures he will implement if he is elected as the leader of the Conservative party.

The Tory leadership front-runner said he would implement a three-step plan that includes making it easier for shoppers to withdraw cash by scrapping business rates on free-to-use cash machines to ensure shoppers can withdraw money as well as an overhaul of planning laws to sweep away the red tape involved in opening new retail outlets.

He said he will also call for the immediate unlocking of a ยฃ675m government fund to help revitalise high streets around the country.

Johnson said: โ€œHigh streets are a vital part of British life, but they are coming under increasing pressure from the rise of online shopping – especially in the more rural areas. We need a bold vision to rejuvenate our high streets, and to make sure that they remain places where people want to go, meet and spend their money.


โ€˜When we leave the European Union on 31 October, we can make these bold changes we make these bold changes. The high street is the heart of many towns across the country, a place for people to come together and support local business. This is an extremely exciting opportunity to revive our communities, and we should grab it with both hands.โ€

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