Trade Organisations

TH March warns of Pensions Regulator inspections

Jewellery insurance company has warned businesses to be aware of possible inspections by the pensions regulator.

Following a number of inspections in and around Manchester over the past few days, TH March is urging companies to make sure they comply with the Workplace Auto-Enrolment Scheme.

Steve Clements, chartered financial planner at TH March, said: โ€œThe Pensions Regulator (TPR) is a friendly regulator but if you havenโ€™t complied with your auto-enrolment duties you could be in trouble.โ€

It also suggested that employers are only notified of checks a matter of days in advance, going on to say it was โ€œbetter to comply from the beginning.โ€

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TH March encouraged businesses to contact Steve on 01822 855 555 or email for guidance on how to meet duties.


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