
Four strategies to draw more local business to your jewellery store

A lot of marketing advice focuses on scaling small startups into huge businesses or creating a strategy with global reach, but what about your local area?ย 

If youโ€™re looking to create a jewellery business with a sense of community, there are still plenty of tips thatโ€™ll boost local business. To help you get started, weโ€™ve put together some simple methods that see big results.ย 

1. Boost Your Online Reviews

One of the first ways that potential customers will differentiate between your shop and other jewellery businesses in your area is through reviews.ย 

In simple terms, the more positive reviews you have, the more likely they are to choose you, as it encourages customer trust and loyalty to your store!


Good reviews build credibility, establishing your jewellery shop as a trustworthy, reputable brand with quality products. They also help solidify your local reputation, marking you out as a great business in your area. Itโ€™s a budget-friendly marketing tactic, too, which is always a bonus!

If you havenโ€™t got as many reviews as youโ€™d like, we recommend looking into review management tools. Magic, for example, provides software that automates the review process, sending out invites that encourage feedback from your customers and notifying you instantly when you receive a new review.

  • Use templates to quickly respond to new comments
  • View all your reviews across platforms on one dashboard
  • Manage feedback with ease

The end result is a more constant feed of positive reviews and a brand image thatโ€™s friendly, helpful, and reliable.ย 

2. Set Up a Google My Business Profile

Google My Business is ideal for drumming up attention in your nearby area. By setting up your profile, youโ€™ll be added to Googleโ€™s local listings and be more likely to appear at the very top of their page and feature in the Google carousels for local searches.

Google My Business also makes it easier for your online audience to see important information about your jewellery shop, including your:

  • Location
  • Shop address
  • Product images
  • Opening hours
  • Contact information
  • Website

Setting up a profile is completely free and easy to do, too! For any business looking to grow their existing local audience, itโ€™s a no-brainer.

3. Invest Time in Local SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a great tool for reaching a wider, global audience, but did you know you can also use it to boost your local presence?ย 

When people search for local businesses, Google uses a local search algorithm to show them the most useful results. By knowing how to work with this algorithm, you can make your website look like a perfect match for jewellery searches in your area.

If that sounds a little tricky, donโ€™t panic! By simply setting up your Google My Business profile youโ€™ve already made a good start. Once thatโ€™s done, here are some more quick tips for instantly boosting your local SEO:

  • Use location-based keywords in your content (e.g. jewellery shop in โ€˜your townโ€™)
  • Add your location to your metadata
  • Link to other local websites from your website
  • Add your business address to your website

4. Work with Local Businesses

Have you ever thought about partnering with other local businesses? By working together, you can create a thriving community where everybody helps each other.

As a jewellery shop, for example, you might partner with a local artist who will stock a few of your pieces in their gallery in exchange for you showing off their artwork on your walls. Not only does this help build your local reputation, but it also increases your business reach, helping you tap into new markets.ย 

Be sure to check your community for suitable events, too, including art fairs and local markets. If there arenโ€™t any in your area, why not speak with other local artisans, business owners, and jewellers to kickstart a new one?

Final Words

Whether youโ€™re a startup jewellery business or youโ€™re looking to grow your established presence, there are plenty of ways you can find new business in your local area! Hopefully, these tips have given you the inspiration and insight you need to get started.ย 

In the meantime, feel free to find more advice for jewellery retailers on Jewellery Focus and keep your business thriving.ย 

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