
River Mounts celebrates PGI Award success

The aim of the Consumerโ€™s Choice Award is to bring the consumer to the heart of platinum design. River Mountsโ€™ โ€˜Pekaโ€™ tri-set was one of five designs nominated for the award, and received nearly twice as many votes as the other entries.

Design and operations manager Manoj Parmar commented: โ€œThe design is brand new and to get such recognition from consumers as well as the judges on the Trail is really exciting.โ€

Designer of the tri-sets, Kelly Jenner, added: โ€œWe turned the design around really quickly and, while we thought it was going to work, you never really know how itโ€™s going to be received. To have such a response from the judges who have such expertise was breath-taking. Weโ€™re really looking forward to next yearโ€™s Trail.โ€


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